Hey Jill, a few members of the ItStartsWith.Us/Love Bomb/Love Drop community wanted to say hello and send you some well wishes, so I made this blog post just for them. Click on the title (A Little More Love) and read the comments. Can’t wait to see you on Saturday!
Love Drops for your birthday? OK!
We just got a killer surprise in our inbox yesterday:
Divergent Planning, a pretty hip financial services company, just told us they’re giving the gift of Love Drop to all their clients for their birthdays this year! How cool is that? (Answer: very)
This makes us incredibly happy. Not just because it helps our families even more every month – which is awesome! – but because it’s creative and FUN. These are the exact kinds of things we love in companies. Those that get out there and show some personality. And for a financial firm, that’s even more impressive.
So thank you Divergent! We’re excited to share in this year’s birthday love :)
If you own a business and would like to get more involved – give us a shout. We’re always on the hunt for interesting collaborations.
Welcome Chicago Groupon’ers!
Big thanks to Groupon for helping us spread the word on what we’re doing here. Our first Drop goes down in a few weeks, and excited to fill the city of Chicago with some love!
For everyone new to the site – THANK YOU! We’re changing 12 lives this year, and hope you’ll join us in making it happen :)
Another Chance
Ian Axel’s got it right, folks – 2011 is another chance to turn it all around. Listen to the lyrics in this video, and watch the attitude. This is for us and our team this year.
The Super-Duper new Blogger Network.
Are you a blogger? Do you wanna be cool? Then come on over and join our new Blogger Network!
We know not everyone can give money each month, and that’s okay. If you have a blog and like what Love Drop’s about, we’d love for you to join us :) It’s a super easy (and helpful) way to get our communities involved, and all it takes is a few minutes every month to help support our recipients. You get free, high-quality content, and Love Drop gets bigger. How cool is that?
Each month we’ll send out an email letting you know who the person/family we’re helping that month is, along w/ the code to our intro video and some brief copy. All you have to do is share this story with your readers and you’ve helped our cause! Easy, right?
You can edit/tweak/write up anything you think works with your site, there are no barriers whatsoever. All we ask is that you blog about the person we’re helping at least once each month so we can gain as much support as we can for them. The more eyeballs on their story, the more we can change their lives!
Interested? Signup and join 50+ of your other blogger friends :)
Best Subscription Ever
Check out what I just got in the mail. No return address, no message, no name. Just this envelope with two $1.00 bills inside. Addressed to Love Drop Team. Can’t tell you how much I love this. Also how cool it is that I’m going to deposit two dollars into the Love Drop account. January is gonna be a lot of fun, guys. :)
Guess what happens in 2 weeks?
WE LAUNCH!!! And It couldn’t come sooner (okay, well it can, but that would be bad because we are up to our gills in work! Who knew starting a movement would be so involved? ;)).
We just wrapped up our 1st video w/ Jill, the first person we’re helping this year out in Chicago, and cannot WAIT to share it with y/all. It’s amazing how positive people can be when they’re staring adversity in the eye like that. We think she’s an incredible woman, and we hope her story inspires you!
Jill’s Love Drop starts in 2 weeks. Get ready to change a life.
Love Drop has unofficially launched!
We’re still 28 days away from changing some lives, but as you can see the site is very much alive and kicking ;) So if you’re reading this right now – welcome! You get the sneak peak of our awesome new home before the rest of the gang comes through… one day you’ll be able to tell your grandkids you were a part of it from the start ;)
Drop us a note and say hello!
A Big What Up From Nate!
Hey guys, Nate here. As my first official blog post on Love Drop, I’m gonna be incredibly lazy (or perhaps incredibly smart?) and just throw up the intro video I shot today for the main page. Man, it was cold out there. I think I’ve been used to summer for so long that I kinda forgot what winter’s gonna feel like.
So first of all, here’s the intro video:
And secondly, here’s some bonus footage I shot while trying to do that video. The last time I shot a video outside, I was interrupted by a UPS truck, and today it happened again! What are the odds? My goodness.
But you know what? I think that’s cool. It’s all part of the job, as far as I’m concerned. One of the most fun things about this project is gonna be documenting all the craziness that happens when we’re trying to do these Drops. We’ll have cameras rolling most of the time, and we’ll share with you a lot of the behind-the-scenes “making of” footage, along with some outtakes and blooper reels, inadvertent FAILs, and all kinds of other things. It’s gonna be a fun ride, that I can promise you. Oh, and p.s. – I have the shakiest hands in the world, and you’ll just have to get used to that on video.
Oh, but most of those video extras will be visible by members only – people who are Love Drop subscribers. We’ll be keeping the main site pretty clean and focused on the mission at hand, but we’ll let loose and have a lot of fun in the members’ forum. You’ll get a link to that once you subscribe. :)
Talk to you soon…