A Big What Up From Nate!

Hey guys, Nate here. As my first official blog post on Love Drop, I’m gonna be incredibly lazy (or perhaps incredibly smart?) and just throw up the intro video I shot today for the main page. Man, it was cold out there. I think I’ve been used to summer for so long that I kinda forgot what winter’s gonna feel like.

So first of all, here’s the intro video:

And secondly, here’s some bonus footage I shot while trying to do that video. The last time I shot a video outside, I was interrupted by a UPS truck, and today it happened again! What are the odds? My goodness.

But you know what? I think that’s cool. It’s all part of the job, as far as I’m concerned. One of the most fun things about this project is gonna be documenting all the craziness that happens when we’re trying to do these Drops. We’ll have cameras rolling most of the time, and we’ll share with you a lot of the behind-the-scenes “making of” footage, along with some outtakes and blooper reels, inadvertent FAILs, and all kinds of other things. It’s gonna be a fun ride, that I can promise you. Oh, and p.s. – I have the shakiest hands in the world, and you’ll just have to get used to that on video.

Oh, but most of those video extras will be visible by members only – people who are Love Drop subscribers. We’ll be keeping the main site pretty clean and focused on the mission at hand, but we’ll let loose and have a lot of fun in the members’ forum. You’ll get a link to that once you subscribe. :)

Talk to you soon…

About Nate

Co-Founder of Love Drop. Changing the world in 15 minutes a week.

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