April 2011 – The Kahlen Family
This month we’re helping out the Kahlen family, who has been hit hard by the economy and by their daughter’s serious medical condition, tuberous sclerosis. In addition to financial assistance, we’d like to unite the artistic community to support Kent’s glassmaking work.
Here’s what we want to do:
1) Give money to help get them back on their feet
2) Have artists donate a piece of their work to our new shop
Let’s rock this!
The Kahlen’s are one of the most precious family that I have come to know and love. They are members of our church family as well. We have gotten to know Kent, and Yvonne, and Nathan, Brenna and Kelsey. I remember one day when Yvonne came to the church to help me transfer food from the kitchen cabinets to the pantry so we would have more space in the kitchen and the children came to help out. I remember when these two little hands went around my waist and I looked down and it was Brenna and she said, “I love you Mrs. Seres”. We pray for this family all the time and do what we can to help ease the burden… we love you guys. The Seres
Awww very cool! We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know them, and helping them out, too :) We still keep in touch with them and love the whole gang! Thanks for sharing these words with us – totally made my night.